Special Sets

Quilted Spring Pillows  

We introduced the idea of quilted blocks for pillows with our Snowman Pillows several months ago. Since it is time to put away the Snowman Pillows, we thought you might enjoy some Quilted Spring Pillows.

Each block has a flower design in the middle and the embroidery machine will do all the stippling around it for you - all in one hooping.

Because the stippling is already done, all you have to do is assemble the pillow for a perfect quilted look. This set has 8 different designs so you can make two pillows that are completely different. You can also change colors for loads of additional combinations here.

Each design fits a 4x4 hoop; the finished pillow is about 12 inches across. The set includes complete instructions for making the pillow (including 2 easy ways to do the ruffles!).

These designs (including the stippling) all sew out in well under 20 minutes!

We used a light green for the stippling for a fresh garden look:

Spring Pillows
with 8 designs
for a 4x4 hoop
and instructions for making the pillow
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